Habit Tracker, Checklist and Organizing


Hello friends!

Summer is official and while we are loving this time at home, habits, and organizing are what is keeping us going every day.  We are still in a global pandemic, social distancing is strongly encouraged, summer camps have been canceled as well as many other fun summer activities.

During times of change and uncertainty, cultivating or acquiring new habits is extremely important when there is no schedule or structure to our days.  I’m a firm believer in writing things down.  Having a list of habits written down on paper is the first step towards creating habits.  They say that it takes 21 days to create a habit and 90 days to create a lifestyle.  It works for both adults and children.  The key to success is consistency. 

Habits Tracker & Summer Check List Free Printable

As an adult, I’m always looking for ways to create an intentional life by cultivating and adapting habits that increase my energy level, health, and productivity.  If you have been reading this blog for quite some time, you know that in order for me to stay organized, I have to write things down on paper.  I'm such a visual learner and get so much satisfaction in life from checking things off my lists.  I wrote about Staying Organized in 2020 and my weekly practice in January’s blog post, check it out. 

I recently adopted a new way to keep track of habits that I want to incorporate into my lifestyle and that is a Habit Tracker.  It was during an Instagram LIVE with my friend Tod from TodsPlan that the idea of a habits tracker came to me.  You can still watch our chat at Sort Toss Repeat IGTV oh, we had such a great time chatting about planners, habit trackers, and organizing of course. 

I created an STR Habit Tracker that can work for you as well, all you have to do is download the PDF file I created and start your own habits tracking journey to incorporate habits into your lifestyle.  It’s so satisfying to track your own progress and see the benefits of new habits transforming your everyday life.  There are 2  versions of STR Habit Tracker, one with pre-printed habits and a blank one where you can write down your own habits.  The STR Habit Tracker was created in order to keep you accountable for the habits you want to achieve as well as creating a STRong lifestyle. 

If you are a parent, you would know that our children imitate what we do, so my oldest daughter wanted her own habit tracker too.  We talked about the idea of creating a children's habit tracker or a schedule for summer.  Since school is out the distance learning, zoom calls and homework are on pause, we instead decided to create a Summer Checklist, attainable tasks that give children structure and consistency to their summer days. While the checklist is very basic and minimal, we found these tasks to be fundamental to creating habits down the road.  There are two Summer Checklists PDF files available for download, one for school-age kids and one with pictures for toddlers.  Teaching our kids the importance of creating and cultivating habits is such an important skill that they will benefit for the rest of their lives. 

So, now tell me friends what are some of the new habits you are looking forward to creating a STRong lifestyle? 

Don’t forget to share in the comments and if we aren’t friends over at Instagram and Facebook yet, let’s connect. 

Until next month,