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New Year Organizing - January 2024

Fifteen days into 2024, I hope you are making the most of the New Year! While getting organized is still on top of your New Year’s resolutions, goals, or to-do list, I want you to know that I’m your biggest supporter and cheerleader in creating an organized lifestyle. 

There are so many tips and tricks to getting organized, however, it requires new and clear set habits.  You deserve a home that brings you joy, a space where you can relax, and love everything in it.  So, in 2024 we are no longer doing the following 6 things to keep an organized home:

  1. Keeping gifts we don't love

  2. Buying it because it's on sale

  3. Buying it because everyone has it 

  4. Holding onto things out of guilt

  5. Accepting other people’s clutter

  6. Organizing clutter 

All the choices you make this year will be before buying or accepting something if it will have a home and where it will live.  Taking control and creating the home you deserve will be so freeing and life-changing, I want this for you! 

Remember, never organize what you can declutter!

P.S. If you are ever overwhelmed and can’t seem to move forward, feel free to send me an email and I will help you in any way I’m able to help.

Find more organizing ideas and projects STR Blog

Sort Toss Repeat helps create beautiful and functional organizing systems that are life-changing in Northern Virginia and beyond.  Learn more about our services here: 

Unit next time,